No fee is paid unless and until you win.
All fees in Social Security and SSI disability cases are set by Congress and must be approved by the Social Security Administration as part of the process when a case is won. Fees are 25% of any back benefit you receive. As of June 2009, the fee cap/maximum is $7,200. It will not be more than that for all our work through and including representing you at a hearing.
In addition to the attorneys’ fee, if we win your case, we will bill you for costs of medical records and office expenses we have incurred while preparing your case. If we have sent you to a specialist for evaluation, we will ask that you pay for that at the conclusion of your case.
Keep in mind that having our expert help with your case might well result in a larger back benefit award – this would be the case if, for example, you had a prior claim that we could reopen, giving you access to more years of back benefits.